• forgive me note
    Conflict,  Forgiveness

    Chat GPT’s Advice about Forgiveness & Healing

    KEN: Who else out there has been caught up in the Chat GPT craze? I thought it might be fun to see what Chat GPT has to say about Forgiveness and Healing in Marriage. Here’s what Chat GPT told me… Chat GPT’s Conclusions about Forgiveness and Healing “Forgiveness and healing are essential for any marriage that has experienced hurt or pain. By acknowledging the hurt, practicing empathy, letting go of resentment, being patient, and creating a plan for moving forward, couples can work together to rebuild their relationship and create a stronger, healthier bond. Remember, forgiveness is not always easy, but it is necessary for a happy and fulfilling marriage.”…

  • 4 horsemen
    Communication,  Conflict,  Forgiveness

    The 4 Horsemen

    Relationship researcher John Gottman has identified four negative behaviors he calls ‘The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,’ that spell disaster for relationships.⁠  Identifying these Four Horsemen is the first step in being able to replace them with healthier behaviors.  Turn The Horse Around KEN:   As a “see the glass ½ empty” kind of person, it’s easy for me to be critical of Janine. We not only are different sexes but have different personality types and different ways of doing things. As a perfectionist, I have a tendency toward criticizing little things Janine does. This tendency hasn’t disappeared, but I’ve learned what I’m doing and how it negatively affects Janine and our…

  • Decision to Love

    Motivation Tank

    Does it ever seem that your spouse just doesn’t appreciate you?   Do you sometimes lack the motivation to show your spouse that you love them? What’s the missing ingredient? Often, it’s the things we aren’t receiving, like affirmation, appreciation and intentional acts of love. Coincidentally, these are the same things we likely are not giving to our spouse.  Some would argue that it’s hard to give when your “motivation tank” is empty. It’s difficult to make the decision to love my spouse, when I’m feeling unloved or unappreciated.  What’s my motivation (underlying reason) for expressing love or doing a loving act for my spouse?   What’s Your Motivation? Really, what’s my…

  • Conflict,  Decision to Love

    Competition vs Unity in Marriage

    Are you in competition with your spouse or do you see yourselves as a unified team? Although we don’t consciously think about being in competition with our spouse, our individual interests can sometimes fester into competition. Even little things like who’s turn it is to unload the dishwasher can become a source of irritation. When we compete with each other to get our own way, we both end up getting less and feeling hurt or unloved. When I prioritize “me” over “we,” we clash. Making decisions focused on “we” instead of “me” brings unity AND actually makes both of us happier. If we both give up some control to come…

  • highway with years showing the passage of time
    Making Decisions,  Time

    Advice From My Future Self

    Stop… for just a minute or two. Think of yourself 20 years older than you are now. What advice would the “future you” give you? If “you” could do it all over again, what would “you” have done differently? A Different Angle Ken: Perspective is everything. I know there are a lot of things I’d do differently if I could go back in time. But what about my current life… what wisdom from the future could help me see things differently now? One of my challenges is worrying about the future: where will we be, what will we be doing, when will we retire? I think One thing my future…

  • signs pointing various directions
    Accountability,  Communication,  Decision to Love

    Choose Your Hard

    “Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard. Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard. Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard. Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard. Life will never be easy. It will always be hard. But we can choose our hard.   Choose wisely.” – Unknown Marriage Enrichment? Really? Is your marriage one of the most important gifts you have?   If a friend told you, “My wife and I went to a marriage class,” would you say, ‘Oh no. Are you two having trouble?’ Or, would you say ‘How was it?  We’ve been wanting to do something like…

  • angry couple
    Accountability,  Communication,  Decision to Love,  Forgiveness

    Making Up is Hard to Do

    If you’re married, you’ve experienced conflict with your spouse.  It’s inevitable in any relationship. Usually, this happens unintentionally – often over the littlest things. Most conflicts are a result of unmet expectations: I expected “this”, but “that” happened.  One, or both of us, ends up feeling disrespected or hurt. Tensions Are Triggers Janine:  Years ago, we were expecting company, and I was scurrying around tidying up.  Ken asked what he could do to help so I asked him to put away the clean dishes.  I then continued dashing around in panic mode because, after all, if the house is a mess our friends might think less of us (especially ME.)  😨 A few minutes went…

  • Communication,  Differences,  Passion,  Sex

    Who Wants More Sex?

    In pretty much every marriage, there’s one spouse who has a stronger sex drive than the other… Our Journey Ken:      Typically, it’s us men who are more interested in sex: that’s how it is for me. I remember attending a marriage conference long ago where a woman raised her hand to ask a question.  She explained that SHE wanted to make love more often than her husband, and this was a struggle for them.  I couldn’t believe it.  I wondered what it would be like to be married to a woman who wanted more sex.   Janine:  For years, I just didn’t understand why sex was such a big deal.  Once…

  • Couple in bed, woman on phone, husband upset
    Behaviors,  Communication,  Conflict,  Listening,  Time

    Is There Technoference in Your Marriage?

    Recently, we read an article and learned a new word – “Technoference.”  This word “refers to the interruptions in interpersonal communication caused by attention paid to personal tech devices.”  Although we hadn’t heard of this word, we knew instantly that ‘Technoference’ is an issue in our marriage.   But Technology Is Useful… Most of the time, using our phones is not a big deal… technology is very useful. We love getting videos or pictures from our family.   We couldn’t do our jobs, keep in touch with others, or find our way around a new city without our phones.    However… Every once in a while, the phone in front of our spouse’s…

  • Your Opinion Matters

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    We’re celebrating 4 years of weekly posts at The Couples Post! Since May 2018, The Couples Post has been posting articles on marriage – sharing experiences and advice for married couples. It’s time for us to find out what you think.  Whether you’ve been following us since the beginning, or you just stumbled upon our site recently, we hope you will take 2-3 minutes to send us your feedback.   Here’s a link to a 3 minute survey We value your time AND your opinion.   Thank you for sharing them both with us.