Kudos To The Tired Dad
We stumbled upon a remarkable blog post this week. It’s written by a young father whom we’ve never met. He goes by “The Tired Dad” on his blog, and we couldn’t agree more with what he says about being married but tired in this post: The Tired Dad – Marriage in the Trenches. (posted March 13, 2025) What he wrote is completely relatable for us. Here are a few Quotes from The Tired Dad’s post: Kudos to “The Tired Dad” for sharing your experience as encouragement for us all.
We Don’t Talk about That
What’s the one thing (or things) you and your spouse don’t talk about? Maybe it’s money, in-laws, or sex? Uncomfortable Topics JANINE: Sometimes I avoid talking to Ken about how I spend my time. I want him to see me as responsible and productive. When I’m lazy or judge that I haven’t accomplished enough, I feel guilty and frustrated with myself. I don’t want to talk to Ken about this because I’m scared he might agree with my judgment of myself as being lazy. I cover up my guilt by making excuses. I put up an extra layer of protection by portraying an attitude of ‘I’m tough and have everything under…
Should We Call It Quits??
A happy marriage is achievable despite challenges. Research shows divorce often doesn't lead to greater happiness, while perseverance can result in improved relationship satisfaction. Daily choices to love create positive change.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The 7 Best Things We’ve Done for Our Marriage
Here’s our ‘Short List’ of the 7 best things we’ve done that have had the biggest impact on our marriage… 1. Love Languages The 5 Love Languages – In this book, Dr Gary Chapman explains there are 5 basic love languages and we each have a primary “language.” We might be knocking ourselves out trying to show our spouse we love them, but it doesn’t necessarily translate into him/her feeling loved….IF we’re not speaking THEIR language. When we read this short book together and learned to speak each other’s language, it was a game changer for us. To learn more, read: What Language are you Speaking? 2. Finances Get on the Same Page…
The Drift
Exciting Beginnings We all battle something called “the drift” in marriage. Before we get into that, let’s begin with a happy story. We just attended a wedding. It was so much fun celebrating with the newlywed couple. At the reception, one of the groomsmen spoke about how he noticed a change in his friend (the groom) after the bride and groom met. All of a sudden, this young man was asking for time off from work so he could spend time with the beautiful young woman in his life. He just couldn’t wait to spend time with her. New love is quite a phenomenon, isn’t it? There really are no…
Taking The Back Roads
Feeling disconnected from your spouse? Just like exploring scenic back roads, carve out "carefree timelessness" for deep conversations. Learn how simple coffee talks can unlock a universe of understanding and strengthen your marriage.
Why Sex Matters in Marriage
For many married couples, physical intimacy gradually decreases over time. Busy schedules, stress, or feelings of guilt or embarrassment can all contribute to a decline in this vital part of a healthy marriage. But what if we told you that prioritizing physical touch isn’t just about pleasure, but about strengthening your marriage and revitalizing your love? Sex matters in marriage. What’s the Big Deal? Janine: For a LONG time, I really didn’t understand how significant and important physical intimacy is. Making love was the last thing on my list of priorities, and I just didn’t understand why it seemed so important to Ken. When you were growing up, did you get the message that sex was…
Love & Respect
Making generalized statements about men or women can be risky. But there’s one generalization that seems to apply to most of us. A few years ago, we went to a marriage enrichment on the topic of Love & Respect. It was based on a book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (“Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs”), a New York Times best seller. The premise of this book is that men (in general) need to be respected, while women (in general) need to feel loved. Disagreeing Respectfully JANINE: Eggerichs points out that when a husband feels disrespected, it could just as well be translated as…