Autumn is Proof that Change is Beautiful
“Autumn is proof that change is beautiful” was a quote we saw at Hobby Lobby last month. I told Tom, I don’t think I would ever use change and beautiful in the same sentence. But this quote has stuck with me like an ear worm.
Life Outside Our Comfort Zone
Life outside our comfort zone has benefits. When we challenge ourselves to step outside our comfort zone, it brings growth and fulfillment. Unfortunately, the fear of failure can sometimes keep us in the safe zone.
Does Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?
This past week we had to spend time apart as Jen traveled cross-country to spend some time helping her sister. When we spend time apart, there is a natural distance between us. Time apart can put a strain on our relationship. It is the combination of not being together, combined with the stress of travel on the one away and the stress of holding down the fort on the one who stays at home.
The Thief
You may not realize it, but you’re being robbed. Right now. The thief comes in many forms. It comes in the form of stress, anxiety, fear of failure, addiction, self-centeredness, or letting ourselves get too busy. No matter what form the thief comes in, it does the same thing every time. It robs us of the joy, peace and closeness with each other. Finances, in-laws, problems with sex, lack of communication, work, “busyness,” hobbies… Whatever our “thief” is… Why do we let this thief take over? And what could be more important than re-evaluating, re-prioritizing and NOT letting any thief rob us of joy? Ken: The thief strikes most…
When It Doesn’t Work Out
One of the most jarring things you can experience as a married couple is when someone you love tells you they are getting divorced, especially when it comes unexpectedly. Recently, friends of ours told us they were planning on getting a divorce. Being told this generated a whole host of emotions and judgments.
Life is Full of Risks
Life is full of Risks. Financial, emotional, and physical – we take them all the time. There is nothing more endearing than hearing, “Again! Again! Again!” after swinging a toddler in the air. Children instinctively take risks. As we age, risk taking becomes intentional, calculated and requires effort, but staying in the safe zone is also taking a risk.
You Don’t Bring Me Flowers
There’s an old Barbara Streisand / Neil Diamond song “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers” that sometimes hops to mind when we’re in a rough patch or we see other couples we know in a rough spot. Who would know how much a simple gift can impact your relationship as a couple? But beware! Even bringing flowers home can be more complicated than you’d expect.
Michelle: I find it interesting to hear people say that we are coming out of COVID. Sure, the numbers are down, hospitals are seeing fewer deaths and having more open beds. But, for some of us, we would rather play a game we have created called Rewind. Chris: To understand our game, we need to share why it was created and to explain why it was created, we need to tell you about my brother. David, my brother from another mother was my partner in crime and the guy who was all in! He would give you the shirt off his back or go out in the middle of the night/wee hours…
Marriage Is a Teeter-Totter Ride
If you’ve spent time on a playground before 2004, you’ve probably hopped on a teeter-totter. Marriage is a teeter-totter ride. It can be relaxing, a gentle give and take. Marriage, like a teeter-totter can also be an experience of thrilling highs and the dizzying feeling of dropping low.
Married Couples: Are We Too Busy?
We often find our identity in what we accomplish. Our activities and responsibilities can build up until we are crushed beneath them. Are we so busy that we miss out on beauty, relationship, and belonging? Have we become ‘human doings’ rather than ‘human beings.’ It’s hard to grow our marriage if we’re too busy to BE with each other. Busy Families JANINE: If you grew up on a farm like I did, you might remember the ‘breakneck’ pace of harvest or planting time. During those busy days, both Dad and Mom were working intense hours and running on little sleep. This extraordinary pace was for the short-term and my parents knew…