Don’t Forget to Laugh
Michelle: Isn’t it refreshing to think that something as simple as laughter can support your marriage and help it thrive? Here are some tips for bringing a dose of laughter into your relationship. Tip 1: Look for accidentally funny moments. One evening our daughter told us that her driver’s ed teacher was mean because he laughed at her during class. Taryn: My teacher asked if driving is a difficult and thought-provoking task? I said that driving is pretty simple because you just put the prindle in D and go. Us: Prindle? Taryn: Yeah, you know where the stick thing is. P-R-N-D-L. Tip 2: Never take yourself too seriously. Chris: When…
Still Crazy After All These Years
Nick: This Arlo and Janis comic came across my X feed out of the blue this past week, and I texted it immediately to Jen. It is an illustration of a very, very ‘us’ sort of interaction. It brings to mind the small ways we’re still crazy for each other after all these years.
3 Ways to Date Your Spouse
Michelle: As a couple, if we do not continue to pursue one another, we could wake up one day to find that we have become roommates. The foundation of our relationship was built on friendship and romance. Here are three easy ways that we have come up with to continue to nourish that foundation. 1. Look for Opportunities to Connect: When we were dating, Chris was constantly calling me, asking me to go grab a drink with him or even simply ride a bike together or take a walk. After we got married and started raising our family, our connections went from intentional time to be together and check in,…
That’s What Friends Are For
John: We just returned from experiencing the incredible beauty of the Pacific coast. 2200 miles of mountains, beaches, rainforests, and vineyards in 12 days. It was wonderful to get away as a couple and do what we love most – exploring the great outdoors. While the scenery during the first 2000 miles was simply stunning, just as memorable and refreshing was the time spent with friends over the last 200 miles.
Movie Magic🍿
Many of the couples we know have a favorite movie. It’s usually one you enjoyed together and will pull off the shelf or out of the streaming catalogue once a year or so and revisit. Watching your movie together usually reconnects you to the good feelings and simplicity of the earlier time as well.
Show Me Who Your Friends Are…
Mom frequently told me, “show me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are,” which usually meant, “I don’t like the people you are hanging around with.” Yet we have discovered much wisdom in her words and know firsthand the importance of deep friendships with other married couples. There is much written on the benefits of these friendships: The Benefits of Couple Friends – Prepare/Enrich (prepare-enrich.com). 7 Ways Couple Friends Can Make A Happier Marriage – (salteffect.com). We have come up with a few of our own.
The Busy Train
Julie All Aboard! We pile in the Busy Train and hang on for dear life, John in one car and me in another. The scenery flies by, until it becomes a blur. Distracted by responsibilities and commitments, we see each other only in passing. We talk at meals, but not about much, and not for long – too much to do! Cuddle time flies out the window as we work late into the night and then get up and do it all over again the next day. Stop the train! I want to get off!
Married Singles
Why do married couples gradually (and unknowingly) drift toward finding fulfillment outside our marriage, rather than within our marriage? In one of his popular YouTube videos, entitled, “Wanting to Fix People,” Fr. Mike Schmitz talks about how husbands or wives might see something in their spouse that they dislike. Gradually this annoying behavior or characteristic can lead a spouse to look for fulfillment from someTHING else. Instead of my spouse being my one legitimate source of fulfillment, I’m going to replace them with ___________. You might fill in that blank with any number of things, such as: romance novels, TV binging, spending time with the kids, hunting, sports, emotional intimacy with a…
Contagious Love
Julie: Our son is getting married in six weeks and four days – but who’s counting? He is our first child to tie the knot, and we are beyond excited! Last weekend was our first bridal shower. It was a delight to watch our son and future daughter-in-law as they were showered with gifts and, more importantly, with love from our family and friends. It was a day of joy, fun, and laughter. It even brought a few tears as I thought about my mom and sister and how much they would have loved our daughter-in-law to be and enjoyed celebrating this moment in our son’s life. As I…
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag😼
Isn’t it funny how our pets’ behaviors can help us see better who we are inside? As a married couple, what can we learn from this?