Money Can’t Buy Me Love…
Ken: It’s all over the news…. First Jeff Bezos and now Bill Gates have become divorcees. Two of the richest men in the world didn’t find married bliss, so how am I supposed to? How do we find lasting happiness in our marriage? My mom has always said…
Changing Our Dance and Learning to Love It
Photo Credit: John Gibbons on Unsplash Most of us know someone who thrives on change. They love to spice things up. For them, the most maddening phrase is: “but we’ve always done it this way.” The rest of us find security in knowing what we know, doing what we do well and living within our comfort zone. We recently found ourselves at a crossroads in our lives with our medical practice. The writing on the wall said: “Don’t expect to see a change if you aren’t willing to make one.”
Got Money Arguments?
When couples have conversations about money, it often leads to disagreements, defensiveness, and arguments. Why is it so difficult to talk about finances? Conversations about money usually aren’t JUST about money. We all have underlying feelings (some very strong) about money. Fear. Insecurity. Resentment. Our past experiences affect how we deal with money. When we talk with our spouse about how to spend or save, all those memories and feelings start to surface.
Lessons Learned from Our Vagabond Life
Ken: In 2016 I began working short term job assignments, which has given us the opportunity to live in 5 different states within a very short time. If someone had told us 5 or 10 years ago that we’d be away from our home 95% of the year we wouldn’t have believed it. Since our kids are all grown and gone, we decided to give it a try – for at least a few months – and here we are 3 years later, still loving it. Photo by Dids at Pexels Most people probably won’t have the opportunity to pick up and live this way, but we hope you…
The 7 Best Things We’ve Done for Our Marriage
Here’s our ‘Short List’ of the things that have had the biggest impact on our marriage. 1. The 5 Love Languages – In this book, Dr Gary Chapman explains there are 5 basic love languages and we each have a primary “language.” We might be knocking ourselves out trying to show our spouse we love them,
Money Matters
When we were newly married, Paul asked me if I would mind if he took care of paying all our bills. I literally said, “Oh thank God!” I felt relieved I wasn’t responsible for making sure our rent, utilities, and car payments were paid. I also felt secure knowing that part of our monthly income would be put aside as savings for retirement and buying a house.
What Makes a Good Gift?
Our youngest child graduated from high school this spring, and our gift to him was a grad party. Grad parties are a big deal where we live – white tents, catered food, a fancy cake, and a display of photos of the graduate growing up. And, of course, that pretty box for guests to place their cards!