Communication,  Conflict,  Forgiveness,  Grief,  Passion,  Romance,  Sex

The Healing Power of Touch

A previous blog explored a super power we all have within us – the Super Power of Affirmation.   But did you know that you possess another Super Power?  It’s the Healing Power of Touch.  Holy Hole in a Doughnut, Batman!  Bet you didn’t know you had all that in you!

JULIE: Physical touch is one way John and I share and communicate love.  It can calm our fears, soothe pain, offer comfort, and provide emotional security.  It can say “I Love You” in a way that far surpasses words.  It can heal us in ways words simply cannot.  Remember when you scraped your knee falling off your tricycle and your mom would “kiss it and make it better?” The love from that kiss might not have healed the owie, but it certainly healed your heart.  Whether it’s a hug when I’ve had a tough day, a reassuring squeeze of the hand when I’m awaiting medical test results, a gentle kiss on the forehead when I’m not feeling well, or wiping away my tears when our bunny, Thumper, went to the Great Carrot Patch in the Sky, a touch from John can be like a balm on my hurting heart.

JOHN: We (especially I) have learned that we really shortchange ourselves when we fall into the trap of limiting physical touch to lovemaking.  What if we are out in public?  Who says we need to sit across from one another in a restaurant booth instead of sitting on the same side, leg touching leg?  What about when one of us sick, recovering from injury or surgery?  Physical touch is no less, and perhaps even more, important at these times. If we limit touch to sex and sex isn’t possible, we lose the amazing effects of our physical connection with each other and the magic in our relationship dims.

JULIE: When a klutzy fall from a muddy misstep during a backpacking trip resulted in several broken ribs, I could not breathe without pain.  John would stroke my head and gently hold me to calm me down at night so that I could get to sleep.  We found renewed joy in cuddling, holding hands, stroking each other’s heads, and VERY gently holding each other.  While John’s touch didn’t heal me physically, it certainly did heal me emotionally as I had blamed myself for slowing down the group and causing additional weight in the guys’ packs as they split up some of my load.  It also allowed us to remain physically connected in the absence of lovemaking as my body healed after we returned home.

JOHN: Touch is also an accelerant to the healing process when we have hurt each other.   When I have hurt Julie, taking her hands in mine or gently lifting her chin to face me when I ask for her forgiveness helps to recreate a tangible bond between us.  When she hugs me and says she forgives me, we become lost in each other as our hearts begin to heal.  The Healing Power of Touch can sometimes even lead to awesome lovemaking, allowing us to continue healing our relationship.

Physical connection is powerful, so “STAY IN TOUCH!” 

(This post originally appeared in March of 2021)

Couple in Hammock

One Comment

  • Unknown

    There's a reason that physical touch is one of 5 Love Languages. It is such a life-affirming way to connect. Thank you for writing about it!

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