The Soul Mate Myth
One of the unique things we share with couples preparing for marriage is what we affectionately dub, “the Soul Mate myth.” Somewhere in the weaving of our cultural tapestry in America, a piece of fabric was sown in proclaiming that in order to be eternally happy, each person must find his or her soul mate – the one special person out there meant specifically for them.
The Grass is Greener . . . Where You Water It
The Grass is Greener… I love the quote “The grass is greener where you water it.” It is especially appropriate this time of year when Wyoming is lush and green. I love the smell of lilacs and the wet earth as everything comes back to life after an incredibly long winter. It’s rhubarb and asparagus season and I can’t wait to see the green shoots pop their little heads above the soil. I enjoy looking over the fence to sneak a peek at the neighbor’s garden and kibbutz about garden plans. Tulips and daffodils are in full bloom and life couldn’t be better.
Tom and I can say “TGIF!” with very different ideas of what that might look like especially as Friday unfolds into Saturday and Sunday. I need the weekend to get caught up on stuff and slip in a good workout to make up for slack time during the week. If I approach the weekend with the attitude “I am the only one that gets anything done around here” and paint Tom as “Mr Slouch” it is pretty unlikely he will enjoy pitching in to help.