Don’t Forget to Laugh
Michelle: Isn’t it refreshing to think that something as simple as laughter can support your marriage and help it thrive? Here are some tips for bringing a dose of laughter into your relationship. Tip 1: Look for accidentally funny moments. One evening our daughter told us that her driver’s ed teacher was mean because he laughed at her during class. Taryn: My teacher asked if driving is a difficult and thought-provoking task? I said that driving is pretty simple because you just put the prindle in D and go. Us: Prindle? Taryn: Yeah, you know where the stick thing is. P-R-N-D-L. Tip 2: Never take yourself too seriously. Chris: When…
Little Wonders
A lot of the time we spend in life is in small moments, rather than big ones. What if, instead of just letting the small moments, the ‘little wonders,’ pass by, we work on savoring and being grateful for as many of them as possible?
Show Me Who Your Friends Are…
Mom frequently told me, “show me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are,” which usually meant, “I don’t like the people you are hanging around with.” Yet we have discovered much wisdom in her words and know firsthand the importance of deep friendships with other married couples. There is much written on the benefits of these friendships: The Benefits of Couple Friends – Prepare/Enrich (prepare-enrich.com). 7 Ways Couple Friends Can Make A Happier Marriage – (salteffect.com). We have come up with a few of our own.
Little Moments in Time
The word summer brings to mind images of relaxing on the beach, swimming in the pool, hiking, picnicking and the like. Every summer we have high hopes that we will get to enjoy some lazy days and lolly-gagging, taking life at a slower pace and relaxing.
Smiling is a Superpower
Michelle: I think that at some point in every person’s life, they dream about what kind of superhero they might be and what powers they might have. When I was a child, I wasn’t sure what my costume would look like or my catchphrase might be, but when I envisioned myself striking that superhero pose, I was there to turn frowns upside-down! A few years ago, I went to a laughter therapy seminar. During this seminar, the presenter shared that there have been multiple studies regarding smiling and success. In one such study, scientists conducted research over a thirty-year period. They reviewed five hundred student’s yearbook photos and, measuring just the student’s smile, were able…
Cultivating Happiness
morning sunrise with highway foreground