Love Letters

I recently rediscovered a box of love letters that my parents wrote to each other. My dad had given them to me after my mom died. My dad was drafted into the army when he and my mom were still newlyweds. There was no email, no texting, no Facetime. There was only a brief Sunday phone call and love letters Monday through Saturday. These letters were mostly about details of daily life, but they were also filled with expressions of love and longing to be together again. Their arrival was a daily reminder of their love and the commitment they had made to each other.
My mom and dad continued to write love letters throughout their 56-year marriage. He still reads a letter from her each night before he goes to bed. It is a gift, a tangible reminder of her love for him. He goes to sleep peacefully, knowing he was deeply loved and dreaming of being together with my mom again.
When John and I were dating, he would frequently send me a card or love letter. I felt cherished as I read each word declaring his love for me. We have continued to write love letters to each other over the past 30 years.

I have kept every card or letter John has ever written to me. Each is a precious gift from his heart to mine. Re-reading them is like feeling his arms around me in a huge embrace. When he is at work or out of town, they remind me of his love for me. If we were to have a fire or natural disaster, they would be one of the first things I would grab to save. We have helped to heal many a hurt in our marriage through love letters as well, softening our hearts so that forgiveness is possible.
The thought of writing a “love letter” does not need to be intimidating. Nor does a “love letter” need to be lengthy. We frequently use heart-shaped sticky notes as our stationary. The two or three short sentences that fit on that sticky note can be very impactful – I can tell that by the texts that I get from Julie after she finds a well-placed “heart note” around the house! Our kitchen walls and windows are well adorned with such “love letters”! (though we do tend to keep the extra spicy ones in a special other place ) Short loving text messages are another great way to communicate our love.
These written expressions of our love, appreciation, and desire for one another are like well-laid stones in the foundation of a beautiful building. They each provide structure and strength to this life that we share. They can even bring joy to others! There has been more than one occasion when co-workers have caught me smiling while reading a short love note that Julie has left in my lunch – which brought smiles to their faces as well. We love it when people smile while noting the “sticky note” kitchen decor as well!
When was the last time you wrote a love letter or note to your spouse? You don’t have to be Shakespeare to put in writing how you feel. Just write from your heart. Today. It just may be one of the greatest gifts you will ever give your spouse.

Sue & Joe
We had a similar experience to Julie’s Mom and Dad when we first started dating. I (Sue) was off to Spain for a year of study abroad and we wrote to each other everyday. Joe calls me his “mail order bride!” We have kept writing those love letters up ever since, almost 45+ years! A sticky note in my lunchbox or computer bag or a text message is often the pick me up I need during a hectic day. It reminds me of how much Joe loves me.
John and Julie
Thanks for sharing, Joe & Sue!