We Don’t Talk about That
What’s the one thing (or things) you and your spouse don’t talk about? Maybe it’s money, in-laws, or sex? Uncomfortable Topics JANINE: Sometimes I avoid talking to Ken about how I spend my time. I want him to see me as responsible and productive. When I’m lazy or judge that I haven’t accomplished enough, I feel guilty and frustrated with myself. I don’t want to talk to Ken about this because I’m scared he might agree with my judgment of myself as being lazy. I cover up my guilt by making excuses. I put up an extra layer of protection by portraying an attitude of ‘I’m tough and have everything under…
Opportunities for Intimacy
John Over the years, Julie and I have had many opportunities for intimacy – to experience a much greater sense of “into-me-see.” We’re not talking about physical intimacy where we share our bodies, but rather emotional intimacy where we share our hearts and souls. Grabbing onto these opportunities has strengthened our relationship and given it richness, new life, and deeper meaning.