Children,  Parenting,  Romance,  Stress,  Time

5 Reasons You Need a Getaway Without Kids

As we placed linen napkins on our laps for a fancy dinner, we realized life as we knew it was about to change. We were soon going to become parents. We’d enjoyed two wonderful years of marriage and wondered … would this be our last Getaway alone?

Why get away without kids?

1. You and Your Marriage need attention.

Raising small humans takes constant attention. We can easily pour all our energy into them. We didn’t want to be strangers after the kids moved out, so we chose to intentionally invest time and energy into our relationship.

Read related post: Time for a Marriage Getaway? “Here’s Yer Sign”

2. The Best Gift You Give Your Kids is a Healthy Marriage.

When children see parents loving each other, it gives them a sense of security. Investing in our marriage (including getting away, just the 2 of us) decreases conflict. Research indicates that “marital conflict interferes with the quality of parenting. The quality of the relationship between parents matters to child well-being.” (M. Parke – Couples and Marriage Research and Policy)

3. It’s Not all about Them.

It’s a hard truth for kids to learn: the world doesn’t revolve around them. Taking a Getaway without the kids might seem wrong, as if we’re abandoning our children. But, putting your relationship first is ultimately in their best interest.

Related post: We Come First

4. Kids Learn Flexibility.

We’ve all seen it – a child will refuse to try a new food or to go to bed without 3 storybooks when they’re with their parents. Yet, when they stay at Grandma’s house, they WILL eat something different and take their bath WITHOUT fussing.

5. Less Stress in Your Home.

When we were worn out by parenting 24/7, there was no time for heart-to-heart conversations or intimacy. Instead, there was bickering. When we made time to get away together, we could talk and re-connect. We returned home with a “full tank” and a positive perspective. The mood in our home improved because we were ‘on the same page.’

A Good Investment

Looking back, we’re glad we had the courage to get away as often as we did. It didn’t need to be an expensive trip either. Check out this list of Date Night Ideas. After 31 years of marriage, we not only like each other, we love to spend time together.

Recently our daughter and her husband gave us the privilege of having our grandson spend the weekend at our house. It was a gift to have one-on-one time with him and to know our daughter and her husband were spending quality time together, investing in their marriage.

When was the last time the two of you got away together?

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