Life is Full of Risks

Life is full of Risks. Financial, emotional, and physical – we take them all the time. There is nothing more endearing than hearing, “Again! Again! Again!” after swinging a toddler in the air. Children instinctively take risks. As we age, risk taking becomes intentional, calculated and requires effort, but staying in the safe zone is also taking a risk.
Little Risks vs. Big Risks
MF: Buying stuff online is a day-to-day gamble that has become instinct for many. But serving a new recipe to friends who are not ‘foodies’ is a bit more of a risk. A move, applying for a new job, having a child, having a 2nd child, or encouraging an aging parent to move in with you is a significant risk.
Our Risk Story
MF: 2 weeks ago we faced with one of those big risks. We were anxious to get home following a 4-day vacation. We pulled off at the only town along a 2-Lane highway for a brief stop. Upon entering the door, the attendant at the gas station asked from where we had come. He then proceeded to tell us the State Highway Patrol had closed the interstate and local highways. “Better get a room.”

TOM: Think: gas hole, bar and attached No-tell Motel with 4 rooms. We made reservations and pulled in front of our room. Flat roof, crooked metal blinds hung in a tiny window. There was internet, but we doubted the quality to enable us to work virtually. It was lightly snowing, but we had a 4-WD truck with good tires. We knew the worst of the highway lie ahead due to 7100 feet elevation, dry tundra with no windbreak. Never mind that it was beautiful 4 days ago.
We discussed the physical, emotional and financial risks including a $750 fine if we got stuck (and with a 2nd offense we could lose our license). We also knew an ‘epic’ storm was predicted to blanket the entire sate with 2-feet of fresh snow in the next 24 hours.
TOM: Soon, the bottom line became clear: the highway was only going to get worse. The decision then became who was going to walk back into the smoke-filled bar to cancel our reservation. I did it. They kept the credit card fee and we headed north. When we passed the gate across the south lane of the highway, MF pulled out her rosary beads.
I felt her strength and support as we faced a cross-wind with blowing and drifting snow. As I gripped the steering wheel, I was confident there would be no blame between us no matter the outcome. We drove through drifts across the highway with only one lane plowed open, like going through a snow tunnel. 72-miles later we hit dry pavement. When we safely pulled into the garage, we looked at each other and simultaneously said, “I couldn’t have done that without you!”
Risking Together Builds Intimacy
MF: 2 weeks later, that little 2-Lane highway is still closed and there is no direct route from Point A to B. The intimacy experienced since taking that risk is akin to holding a newborn after a safe delivery. The epic storm arrived and dropped 2-feet of snow and the next day we worked a compacted schedule and cleared drifts. We were filled with a strength and confidence that could only be a gift from God. Knowing you have each other’s back when you make a decision to risk together is miraculous! I saw Tom with the same eyes and focus I did when we were dating, made the decision to marry, to have kids, buy a home and take on a new job in our elder years. (See Marriage is a Teeter-Totter Ride)
Have Each Other’s Back
MF: We are all faced with roadblocks and risks. Driving on was a risk. Staying put may have been a greater risk. Have a focused discussion. Decide together. Pray and don’t look back. Let your confidence in decisions made together and the peace of mind knowing you have each other’s back be your calm during life’s storms.

Tony & Cathy Witczak
Thank you Tom & Mary Frances! You reminded us that some decisions aren’t easy, but playing it safe isn’t always the best option. When we can prayerfully decide on a course of action together, there is more joy along the way and a greater bond between us no matter the outcome.

Tom and Mary Frances
You are so right! Hugs to you both!