There’s An App For That!
I (Janine) am a list person. I especially like the satisfaction that comes from checking things off my list. It used to drive me bonkers when Ken would add HIS items to My list. Or worse, if I had a grocery list started and he would add something like “Christmas lights” to the grocery list. What is THAT?!?! Does that mean we need to buy Christmas lights, or does it mean we need to put up the Christmas lights? Either way, it certainly doesn’t go on the grocery list. It goes on the To-Do list.
It seems to me (Ken) like some people get carried away with organizing their lists. I also learned that putting the wrong things on the wrong list got me into hot water. So, I set out to find a solution. It turns out there’s an app for that – Wunderlist. (And no… we’re not getting paid to promote it. We just like it and it’s been useful in creating a bit more harmony in our marriage)
This app is loaded onto our laptop, ipad, and both of our phones. It syncs to each device whenever we open it. I can text Ken to stop at the grocery store on the way home and by the time he gets there, I can have everything I want entered into the list titled “Groceries”. It also has “Janine’s list”, “Ken’s list”, “Our list” (for things we both need to work on), Christmas lists, and “Movies to watch”.
Not only did I score huge points (and it was easy and free), but a source of friction was resolved. No more losing all those paper lists. Give it a try. Who ever thought when it came to resolving an issue like this in our relationship, there would be an app for that?!?