
Autumn is Proof that Change is Beautiful

Autumn is proof that change is beautiful” was a quote we saw at Hobby Lobby last month. I told Tom, I don’t think I would ever use change and beautiful in the same sentence. But this quote has stuck with me like an ear worm.

Don’t We All Hate Change?

MF: I generally hate change. (It Don’t Come Easy) Updates on my computer or cell phone and a detour in the route I take to work drive me crazy! Don’t mess with my efficiency, routine and well thought out plans. This dislike of change reeks of an “I know best” attitude. It shrieks: “Leave well enough alone, Please!

“Be the Change You Want to See in the World”

This quote from Mahatma Ghandi is a foundational touchstone for me. How ironic. Challenge me on qualities like kindness, compassion and empathy and I will listen and take your critique to heart. It boggles my mind that I can accept a need to change my attitude and “Just be Kind” but a forced change in my route ticks me off.

Saying Good-bye to Rigidity

Reflecting on this irony has enabled me to realize how crazy my rigidity can be. If I can be open to change in big ways, I can can certainly approach other areas of change. For example, I can be easier on Tom when he underestimates the time it takes to complete a project, forcing a change in scheduled plans. Kindness and ambience in our relationship is far more important than being anywhere on time.

Change is Never Done

Change does not have to be unnerving. It can be like the brilliant colors and cooler days of Autumn and a garden all tucked in awaiting the first blanket of snow. Change is gift; like the soups, stews and comfy sweaters I crave come Autumn. And, change is never done. Just like Autumn turns to winter, spring, summer and finally Autumn again.

Our Final Hurrah of Summer

TOM: Autumn has a way of reminding us there are things we need to do before winter. Recently MF and I had some mandated COVID time off together and fortunately felt well — well enough to deep clean our garage. It was our final hurrah of summer.

Just Let Me Procrastinate

Like MF, I dislike change. Why clean the garage? And Why do it now? Where to start? What if I pitch something I later regret? There is some good stuff in that garage. I needed physical help lifting a rototiller, an old snow blower and lawn mower. A wall with our kids first skis and snow boots — Oh the memories; another reason to procrastinate.

Procrastinate No More

I knew my procrastination was a thorn in MF’s side. This project was 30+ years overdue. I needed her shove, collaborative decision making and get-er done energy. We sorted, gave away, sold and threw out no longer needed and worn-out items.

I conquered my procrastination and there is nothing like driving into a clean garage with walls (that really do meet in 90-degree angles) to remind me that change is beautiful. It is a reminder that I will enjoy all winter.

Embracing Change Can Be Beautiful

Maybe you, too, can use change and beautiful in the same sentence. Change doesn’t have to be unnerving. We invite you to take advantage of Autumn as the season of change. And, if you, like us, love Autumn, check out this post. It may give you “something to smile about.”

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