Smiling is a Superpower

I think that at some point in every person’s life, they dream about what kind of superhero they might be and what powers they might have. When I was a child, I wasn’t sure what my costume would look like or my catchphrase might be, but when I envisioned myself striking that superhero pose, I was there to turn frowns upside-down! A few years ago, I went to a laughter therapy seminar. During this seminar, the presenter shared that there have been multiple studies regarding smiling and success. In one such study, scientists conducted research over a thirty-year period. They reviewed five hundred student’s yearbook photos and, measuring just the student’s smile, were able to predict with 97% accuracy, whether they would divorce or remain married, how well they would score on standardized tests, how inspiring they would be to others and their longevity of life. When I heard this I thought, “WOW. We all have a superpower…our smiles!”
We are born smiling. 3-D ultrasound technology now shows that developing babies appear to smile even in the womb. After they’re born, babies continue to smile (initially mostly in their sleep or when passing gas). Children, from the ages of 3 to 12, smile an average of 400 times per day. But adults, ages 25 and up, smile an average of only 20 times per day or less. Somewhere, between childhood and adulthood, we become far too guarded of this great superpower. Brain scans show that a smile lights up the brain more effectively than a bar of chocolate, cash or even a luxury vacation. That’s right, nothing quite turns on our brains like a smile. The great thing about this superpower is that it can actually create a happier world. Smiling is a simple way to improve the quality of life for you and those around you. All you have to do is smile, and you will be a happier person. Really. It’s that simple.
Think about what this can mean for your marriage. My face has the ability to inject hope and happiness into Chris’ heart without me having to say a word. A gentle look or a playful grin are sometimes all he needs to turn his day around, know that he is loved and reconnect with the positive things in his life. For me, when Chris flashes those pearly whites (while sometimes it may mean he’s up to something) it can still give me the same butterflies I had when we were dating.
For me, a smile from Michelle can calm my nerves and turn a bad day better. Mother Teresa said, “I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.” If that is not enough, studies also show that when you smile, you not only appear more courteous and approachable, but also more competent. Don’t we all want to look great, appear friendly and capable. Then all we have to do is tap into our superpower. You have the power to help yourself, your spouse and everyone around you live a longer, healthier, happier life…just smile.