

We received a request to share on the topic of teamwork.  Good topic!

Every marriage is based in teamwork – we chose our partner to team up with in life.  Like most marriages, we have had times when we pull together in the same direction and times when we are fighting against each other.  Over the years, we have found ways to maximize working TOGETHER as a team.

Painting the exterior of our arts & crafts bungalow with all its trim work, was a huge task.  I (Mel) am a meticulous, patient painter and am unphased by the extra time and effort to do the fine brush work.  However, Mark can be  impatient and wants to see quick progress.  Aware of our opposite character traits and gifts, we decided to work together to get the house painted.  Mark would paint the large portions of wood siding with a large brush, and I would work on the trim and special features with a small brush.  Considering our individual gifts helped make a perfect team.

I (Mark) tend to make plans in my head and don’t always share them with Mel.  On a typical Saturday I would wake up and immediately formulate plans in my head for Mel and me to balance the checkbook, go grocery shopping and get the laundry done.  Mel had different ideas of a quick clean up of the kitchen, followed by a relaxing walk and maybe some leisure by the fireplace.  When we didn’t share our differing ideas, we both ended up frustrated as we were trying to get each other headed in the direction we had planned.  Now, on a typical Saturday together, we talk about our individual  expectations for the day.  As a team, we agree together what we will do and help each other to accomplish our tasks for the day.

There are so many ways to foster teamwork in a marriage that it is impossible to share them all in this short blog.  We have created a starter list here of ways to do so.  Please consider sharing some of your ideas by adding comments to  this blog.  Also, keep sending requests for topics to be covered – we greatly welcome your interest and input!

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