Happiness,  Time

Little Wonders

A lot of the time we spend in life is in small moments, rather than big ones. What if, instead of just letting the small moments, the ‘little wonders,’ pass by, we work on savoring and being grateful for as many of them as possible?

Little Wonders that Remind Me of What Is Important

Jen: Small moments can be reminders of what is really important. When I take the time to savor the little wonders, they can shift my focus from things that might be weighing on me and help me regroup.

For instance, when I have had a long day at work and then come home and make dinner, I’m often ready to just find a quiet corner and be alone after we eat. When Nick invites me to go sit in the backyard by the fire pit and enjoy the evening together, I begin to be drawn out of my head. With just this little invitation, I open up, talk about my day and let go of it as the words leave my mouth. This gift Nick gives me of inviting me to be with him and listening to me is a small moment that reminds me that all the stuff that happened during the day is nowhere near as important as the relationship I have him. As I let myself enjoy this small moment in the evening air by the fire pit I feel comforted. It’s like the sensation of being wrapped in a soft blanket, warm and secure.

Little Wonders that Feed Our Soul

Nick: A little wonder moment that fed my soul recently was when all our kids were unexpectedly at dinner together on a random weeknight. This is almost unheard of. Most are adults with busy schedules. It was just an unplanned coincidence. I took it in, watching our kids banter and swap jokes. It was a soul-feeding little wonder. I especially enjoyed that their cleverness was on full display and the jokes and laughter were flowing easily. Moments like these are truly joyful and I end up feeling grateful. It’s the gratitude I feel when I’m counting my blessings. It’s the grateful of waking up on a Saturday morning with Jen and no specific reason to get up and out of bed immediately. We’re able to casually sip coffee, chat, and just be together.

Little Wonders Still Remain

The song Little Wonders, from the film Meet the Robinsons, was one of the inspirations for this article. One of the lines from the song says, “All of my regret will wash away somehow, but I cannot forget the way I feel right now.” This line is a reminder that the things that are less important may not even be remembered later in life. It is the small moments that feed our souls and remind us of what IS important. They become a part of us and give life meaning and purpose.

One Comment

  • Joe & Sue

    Thank you for reminding us to be aware of those small moments and to cherish them. So often in today’s busy world we don’t take the time to even recognize them yet they can make such a big difference in our lives!

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