Hibernation Is For Bears

There is so much we love about fall . . .
There is so much we love about fall — the cool crisp air and vibrant colors, the sudden absence of mosquitoes and sounds of honking geese overhead. Mother Nature has given up her bounty to our enjoyment of hearty soups, stews and chilis. Fall has so much to teach us as we venture inside, to a simpler life, and return to a routine. It is a much-needed end to a crazy summer. Time to reflect and begin again.
MF: In the spring and summer Tom and I work hard. Our jobs don’t slow down. Work at home doubles with yard care and a large vegetable garden to attend. We also do a lot of the routine upkeep and maintenance at the family cabin. When work swells, it is easy to keep score, harbor resentment and hang onto little grudges. Fall is a time to let those all go; to be like Mother Nature and give generously.
The end of summer makes us want to hibernate
MF: As much as I love fall, when summer is over, I can be emotionally spent and physically exhausted. There is a melancholy sadness as leaves dance to the ground, get trampled under foot and dance no more. My brain and body want to sleep like a hibernating bear.
TOM: For me, autumn brings hope of another football season and the everlasting pipe dream that this is the year we’re going to win the Super Bowl. Closing the cabin, knowing show is on the way helps quicken our pace. The drive home is always poignant. We rumble through the back country where my father and grandfather dreamed of a better life as they trailed sheep down those same roads. I, too, can get lost in the melancholy of the season.
During the fall and long winter, it’s easy to isolate and hunker down or fall into an internet rabbit hole, absorbed in separate hobbies like the umpteenth Football game, surfing the web, FaceBook or Pinterest, crafting and quilting. We might as well hibernate like lone bears.
Grow in abundance this fall
TOM: We invite you to learn from the many blessings of this season. Breathe life into your relationship by slowing down and welcoming the opportunity to reflect on the gifts of your love for each other. I need to snuggle next to my hibernating bear, gently awaken her and share my dreams of growing that love. Summer is not the only season for Lovers!

No hibernating allowed
MF: To avoid the hibernation trap this fall, we are going to limit our wind down to 30 minutes after work. Plenty of time to catch up on Football and social networking. Likewise, one hour of TV News while getting dinner ready is gobs — any more is no longer ‘News’. Then, if time and energy permit, we can pro-actively choose something fun and relaxing. This winter it is more likely to be exciting — think backyard landscape plans. Planning our evening keeps us connected like flocking geese. I can allow Tom to draft off of me when I am feeling upbeat and we can support each other when we need it the most. And, best of all, at the end of a cold winter day, we snuggle like cuddly bears!