Marriage Check-up Exercise
Marriage Check-up Exercise
On a scale of 1 –10 (1 = needs significant work, 10 = awesome) rate your satisfaction with each area of your marriage below. These results should be used as a compass for further exploration.
NOTE: this is your satisfaction with these areas of your Relationship, NOT satisfaction with yourself or your spouse.
Area of our relationship | Rating 1 – 10 |
How well do we express Appreciation for each other? | |
How would I rate our Communication? | |
How are we doing in the area of Conflict Resolution? | |
How are we doing in our Sexual Relationship? | |
How would I rate our Spirituality/Faith? | |
How good are we at Money Management? | |
How satisfied am I with our Recreation (having fun!)? | |
How satisfied am I with how we Make Decisions as a couple? | |
How are we doing in the area of Parenting? | |
How would I rate how we share Household chores? | |
How satisfied am I with how our Careers affect our relationship? | |
How good are we at Balancing Time spent together versus apart? | |
Briefly share the results above with each other, THEN answer the questions below:
- What areas are strong in our relationship?
- What areas did we rate quite differently? (Three or more points apart)
- What one area do we need to focus on most to improve our relationship?
- Which areas do we not often talk about, but should?