Marriage Check-up Exercise

Marriage Check-up Exercise 

On a scale of 1 –10 (1 = needs significant work, 10 = awesome) rate your satisfaction with each area of your marriage below.  These results should be used as a compass for further exploration.

NOTE: this is your satisfaction with these areas of your Relationship, NOT satisfaction with yourself or your spouse.

Area of our relationship Rating 1 – 10        
How well do we express Appreciation for each other?
How would I rate our Communication?
How are we doing in the area of Conflict Resolution?
How are we doing in our Sexual Relationship?
How would I rate our Spirituality/Faith?
How good are we at Money Management?
How satisfied am I with our Recreation (having fun!)?
How satisfied am I with how we Make Decisions as a couple?
How are we doing in the area of Parenting?
How would I rate how we share Household chores?
How satisfied am I with how our Careers affect our relationship?
How good are we at Balancing Time spent together versus apart?

Briefly share the results above with each other, THEN answer the questions below:

  1.  What areas are strong in our relationship?


  1. What areas did we rate quite differently? (Three or more points apart)


  1. What one area do we need to focus on most to improve our relationship?


  1. Which areas do we not often talk about, but should?
