Conversation Starters
Here’s a list of questions to help switch up your conversations.
1. Do you prefer sunsets or sunrises? Why?
2. What do you want to do when you retire?
3. Would you rather have many friends or just one best friend?
4. Have you ever wanted to run your own business? If so, what would it be?
5. If you could meet one famous person, who would it be?
6. If you didn’t have to work, what would do with your life?
7. When did you first know you loved me?
8. How can I show you love this week?
9. What’s your dream holiday destination?
10.What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
11.What’s your favorite season, and why?
12.If you were president for the day, what’s one thing you’d do?
13.Who was your first celebrity crush?
14.What did you want to be when you were a kid?
15.What was your most embarrassing moment as a child?
16.How would you describe an ideal day?
17.If you could go back in time, what age would you like to be?
18.What’s your biggest regret in life?
19.What do you like most that I do in bed?
20.What brings you the most joy?
21.Have you ever had a job you truly hated?
22.If you could describe your musical taste in three artists, who would they be?
23.If you gave money to charity, which one would you pick and why?
24.If you had to change your first name, what would you pick?
25.What’s your favorite nickname, and is there a story behind it?
26.What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?
27.What’s your favorite way to spend the weekend?
28.What was your favorite family vacation growing up?
29.If you had a superpower, what would it be? What would be your superhero name?
30.If you could star in any TV show, which one would you choose?
31.What’s your all-time favorite movie?
32.What’s your all-time favorite song?
33.Tell me about a time when you got in trouble? What happened?
34.Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
35.Pick three things to take with you if you were on a deserted island.
36.If you could be insanely talented at one thing, what would you choose?
37.If you could ask for one wish, what would it be?
38.What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
39.What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life?
40.How would you spend your time if the electricity was out for 24 hours?
41.Describe your idea of a perfect date.
42.What’s better, hugs or kisses?
43.Would you rather stay in or go out?
44.Your favorite memory of us is…
45.What do you feel most grateful for in life?