In Memory of Fr. Tom Ogg

Fr. Tom, FrOgg as he was fondly called by many, methodically listened to God’s call in his life. He attended one of the first Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experiences presented in Wyoming. He longed to become involved, but Bishop Newell saw his enthusiasm and potential and named him as Vocations Director.
Some 20 years later he again attended an Experience and he experienced an awakening on that weekend. He heard God’s call to become involved. It hooked his passion and never let go. Fr. Tom generously said yes to presenting Experiences around the US and continued to be an inviting presence in Wyoming. He fervently made it his goal to have a priest attend every Experience and would often substitute in their parish to make their attendance possible. He couldn’t give a homily without weaving in an invitation to an Experience. There was a time in Wyoming when nearly 50% of the priests in the Diocese of Cheyenne were Encountered.
He was open to the call to Leadership and represented Marriage Encounter on every level, including on the World Council. But no matter his level of involvement he was ever faithful to our local WY/MT Encounter. He founded the Chuck Gallagher, SJ Legacy Fund and avidly sought funds so that Leaders in the Movement would not have to pay for their own training. He was passionate and if you were in his cross hairs, you could consider yourself ‘had’ whether it was an invitation to attend the next Experience, a financial donation, or a polka dance.
Most importantly he was open to the call to be in relationship with himself and with so many couples and priests he invited to attend the Experience. He had a home and invitation to dinner as he crossed hundreds of thousands of miles through the mountains of Wyoming that he so dearly loved. All of these opportunities to grow, to pray, to yearn for more, helped him see God at work in people’s lives as he fell in love with the people he was called to serve.
As a young Seminarian he experienced a time of mission in Guatemala. He pined for that experience and longed to return to the poor, the simple life of the faithful in Guatemala. We may often experience this in our own lives, wanting the romance of early marriage or the admiration we felt for each other in our early dating years.
Fr. Tom was offered a chance to be a missionary to his own culture. Although he didn’t see it right away he came to understand by his own sense of mission and fulfillment that his prayers had been answered in ministering to married couples within his own culture. He found the poverty in the human spirit and led so many to the simple, but profound grace found in intimate relationship.
So, this dear friend has passed from this life, but we will forever be touched by his love. He has left big shoes to fill, but his love has filled us with passion and a “Get’er done” attitude. We are reminded daily of the many choices we’ve been given to be better Lovers. His wisdom and depth of love lives on in those who have been blessed to journey with him.