Barriers to Forgiveness and Healing
The lists below are intended to help you do some soul searching, and help you to recognize how you might be able to take steps to heal the hurt or damage around an issue you might be facing. When we accept responsibility, we can see our need to apologize and ask our spouse for forgiveness. Getting past these barriers to forgiveness could be the first and biggest step in healing the wounds of our relationship.
Do any of the following keep me from seeking forgiveness and healing in my marriage?
- Pride
- Anger
- Irresponsibility
- Fear of being hurt
- Fear of rejection
Am I holding on to any of the following attitudes?
- I have the right to be angry.
- I can’t read your mind.
- Let sleeping dogs lie.
- No matter what I say, my spouse will overreact.
- This isn’t a good time.
- It’s not my problem.
- I can say whatever I want.
- I need time to process this.
- If I bring it up, it will make things worse.
- I don’t want to admit I’m wrong.
- Time heals all ills.
- They should know how I feel.