50 Ways to Love Your Lover
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Photo Credit: Tim Foster on Unsplash |
- Be vulnerable in sharing your feelings, not just your thoughts with your spouse.
- Stop what you are doing and really listen to your spouse. Listen with your eyes.
- Put down your cell phones during dinner. Focus on each other.
- In the morning ask your spouse what he/she needs most from you that day.
- Carve out time in the evening before you are too tired to share the best and the worst of your day. Comfort and affirm each other.
- Pray for your spouse.
- Pray together for each other.
- Share your goals, hopes and dreams for your marriage, for your children.
- Send non-agenda texts or place phone calls just to check-in and say I love you.
- Compliment your spouse on his/her appearance or a project he/she is involved in.
- Praise your spouse in front of the children — not for something that he/she did, but for a quality or trait that you admire in him/her.
- Show affection with each other, not just at home, but in public as well.
- Put down what you are doing and snuggle on the couch together. In front of the kids is perfect.
- Go to bed together even if you are not tired, ready to do so or have your list all crossed off for the day.
- Initiate lovemaking when that is not your typical style.
- Play together — with your spouse, your children, and other happily married couples.
- Treasure your time together. Make it a point to make memories together.
- Take a break from helping with the homework, TV or dishes and enjoy a sunset.
- Dance in the kitchen.
- Rake leaves; Play in the leaves and rake them again.
- Return to an old favorite parking spot and reminisce. Celebrate the goodness in each other.
- Build a snowman, or a snow fort and have a snowball fight. Make snow angels.
- Surprise your spouse with a planned date night. Let yourself be spontaneous and really enjoy and appreciate the surprise.
- Plan a romantic dinner for the 2 of you after the kids are all tucked into bed. Prepare and cook it together.
- Sip wine or spiked cocoa by a fire. Make out. Make love.
- Skip the TGIF office party and pick up take-out dinner for the family instead.
- Learn a new hobby or sport together. Take on a new project and accomplish it together (paint a room, put up drywall, refinish a piece of old furniture, create a garden)
- Take dance, photography or cooking lessons together.
- Turn off the TV and play cards or a board game.
- Read a book together and discuss it.
- Watch a Romance, Chick Flick, or any movie together and spend time discussing it. (What character do you most identify? What inspired you? What surprised you?)
- Volunteer together for a community event or serve a meal at a soup kitchen. Involve the kids if appropriate.
- Budget and pay bills together.
- Make it a point to sit down together and “de-clutter” the calendar at the beginning of each month. Carve out time in the margins for the 2 of you.
- Help your spouse with a chore that he/she ordinarily would accomplish alone.
- Plan menus for the week and go grocery shopping together.
- Support and encourage each other in living a healthier lifestyle. Have a plan and celebrate success — even the little ones.
- Work out together at the Gym or go for a power walk with the kids.
- Be polite — say Please and Thank you.
- Don’t assume — ask.
- Ask permission.
- Ask for help — don’t demand help.
- Show gratitude.
- Treat each other with the kindness that you did while dating.
- Flirt with each other.
- Leave a love note in his/her car.
- Wash and detail his/her car.
- Fill his/her car with gas.
- Figure out each other’s Love Language and be intentional in sharing your love in the way he/she most appreciates it.
- Affirm another couple for the way they live their marriage.