Growth,  Happiness,  Time

The Joy of Volunteering Together

Volunteering together, as a couple, is life-giving both to us and to those we serve. 

Read more: The Joy of Volunteering Together

Throughout our married life it has been important to us to spend quality time together. For years we enjoyed camping excursions. Having sold our RV last year, though, that option is no longer available to us. We then became intentional in putting date nights on our calendar. Too often, though, date nights were moved to the backburner as other good things came up. While we continued to be a busy couple, we suddenly recognized that our busyness had become more solo than in days past.

Karen: There was a time when Scott and I served together, mostly in marriage and pre-marriage ministries. When I returned to school and began new adventures, I was the one who went out and did the work. Scott stayed in the background and supported me. It seemed to be working for us, as we both had a stake in those I was serving. Still, we felt we were missing something. We missed serving our community together, as a couple. With a little bit of research and openness, we found a community organization that intrigued us. And we committed to spending our Thursdays with the intellectually disabled through the L’Arche Community in our area. Home – L’Arche USA

Scott:  I admit that I was a bit reluctant to “give up” every Thursday. After all, this was one of my golf days. After a bit of introspection, though, I was able to see that I was being selfish with my time. So, with my yes registered, off we were spending our Thursdays visiting with the residents of our three local L’Arche houses. We talk with our new friends, listen to them, play games with them, grocery shop for them, cook dinners for them, and enjoy meals with them.  And in the process, my world is being turned upside down as I find fulfillment and joy in this community of people.

Four Benefits to Volunteering Together

Research shows these four benefits to volunteering together. The two of us have certainly found them to be true for us.

  1. Volunteering Together Strengthens Relationships

Working together towards a common goal strengthens a couple’s bond and fosters teamwork and communication skills.  

2. Volunteering Together Offers Shared Experiences

Engaging in meaningful activities together creates lasting memories and strengthens a couple’s connectio

3. Volunteering Together Offers a Sense of Purpose

Contributing to your community can bring a sense of satisfaction and purpose to your relationship.

4. Expanded Social Circle

Volunteering can introduce you to new people and expand your social network.

Volunteering Together is a Win/Win

The two of us are also finding that volunteering as a couple positively affects those we serve.  The residents of the houses light up when they see us. They experience our relationship and respond with smiles and hugs. And the staff that support the residents, mostly very young adults, also experience our relationship. They see how a long-term relationship can be joyful, loving, and fulfilling. Every one of them, from the residents to the staff, is so appreciative of our efforts. We are becoming part of their family.

Perhaps there is someone in your community that you can serve together… and discover, like we are, that volunteering together is truly a win/win. Couples Who Volunteer Together, Stay Together! | The Center for Volunteer Caregiving

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