25 Conversation Starter Questions on Sexuality
1. Do I prefer spontaneous or planned sex? Why?
2. When is my favorite time of day to make love with you? When is my least favorite? Why?
3. How do I feel about the frequency of our love making?
4. What do I enjoy most about our love making? Why?
5. What do I enjoy least about our love making Why?
6. What about our love making has changed over the recent years? How do I feel about that?
7. What would I like to change about our love making? How do I feel telling you this?
8. Is privacy an issue for me when making love with you?
9. Lights on? Lights off? Do I have a preference?
10. How do I feel about being naked in front of you?
11. How do I feel when I see you naked?
12. How did I first learn about sex?
13. How did I feel about sex when we were first married?
14. Have my attitudes, thoughts and feelings about our love making changed as we have grown as a couple?
15. How do I feel when you ask me to make love to you?
16. How do I feel thinking about making love to you?
17. How do I feel when we get interrupted while making love?
18. How do I feel when love making doesn’t go as either of us had hoped?
19. Do I worry about pregnancy or not being able to get pregnant?
20. How do I feel making love after we have been in conflict with each other?
21. Is there anything that I would consider off limits in our love making?
22. Do I ever daydream or fantasize about making love to you?
23. Would I be comfortable making love anywhere besides our bedroom?
24. What helps me to get in the mood for love making?
25. How do I feel talking about our sexual relationship with you?